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Humanists International News / 18 August 2008

August 2008 IHN published

The August 2008 issue of International Humanist News has been published. This edition includes features on the 2008 World Humanist…
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15 August 2008

An eye-opener for India

In an illustrated article on the occasion of India's Independence Day, Babu Gogineni highlights the superstitious obstacles to India's progress…
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Growth and Development / 28 July 2008

IHEU-HIVOS 2008 grants programme

IHEU invites applications for funding in the 2008 IHEU-HIVOS grants programme. The deadline for applications was September 30th, 2008. APPLICATIONS…
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Young Humanists International / 28 July 2008

Announcement: SOCH Nepal Workshop

Society for Humanism (SOCH) Nepal is a committed youthful organisation based in a strongly championing humanist movement in Nepal. It…
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