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Humanists International News / 18 August 2004

New IHEU Member Organizations

IHEU's General Assembly welcomed four new Associate Member Organizations at its meeting in Uganda. The Capital District Humanist Society, based…
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17 August 2004

England’s Creationist Schools

[img]https://humanists.international/uploads/creationist.jpg[/img]Plans for a badly needed new school for a small village in the middle of England recently hit the national…
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13 August 2004

The International Criminal Court

[img]https://humanists.international/uploads/icclogo.gif[/img]The International Criminal Court, once considered a Utopian dream, is now in operation. On 11 March, the latest briefing on…
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Campaigns / 12 August 2004

Veiling Young Girls

Recent events in both France and England have again focused attention on the wearing of the veil, headscarf or hijab…
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Growth and Development / 9 August 2004

International Year of Rice

[img]https://humanists.international/uploads/rice.jpg[/img] Over half the world's population depends on rice as their staple food. In Asia alone, over 2 billion people…
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Campaigns / 4 August 2004

Sharia in Canada: Protests Prompt Review

[img]https://humanists.international/uploads/canadasharia.gif[/img]The prospect of Sharia-based arbitration in tribunals run by the Islamic Institute of civil justice in Ontario has caused widespread…
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Humanists International News / 3 August 2004

Address for IHEU Mail

[img]https://humanists.international/uploads/DarwinGowerStreet.jpg[/img]Some mail meant for IHEU is still being sent to IHEU's old address at 47 Theobald's Road. Mail redirection will…
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Campaigns / 2 August 2004

Satya Sai Baba Exposed (Again)

[img]https://humanists.international/uploads/satyasaibaba.jpg[/img] On 17 June the British television channel BBC2 broadcast Secret Swami, an hour-long documentary on the life, tricks and…
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