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Conferences / 6 December 2004

IHEU General Assembly

[b]Thursday July 7th (afternoon) and Friday July 8th, 2005, Paris[/b] Notice is hereby given for the IHEU's General Assembly 2005.…
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Conferences / 1 December 2004

XVI Congresso Mondiale dell’IHEU

[b][size=large]Unione Internazionale Etico-Umanista [/size][/b] [i][b][size=large]Parigi (Francia), 5-7 luglio 2005[/size][/b][/i] [i][b][size=large]Separazione tra Stato e religione[/size][/b][/i] Nel 2005 ricorre il centenario della…
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Growth and Development / 30 November 2004

Funding for Humanism

[b]IHEU-HIVOS HUMANIST NETWORKING & DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME[/b] IHEU is pleased to invite applications for the 2004 phase of IHEU-HIVOS Funding. Only…
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Humanists International News / 15 November 2004

New Issue of International Humanist News

The new issue of IHEU's magazine, [i]International Humanist News[/i], is available on this web site. [url=https://humanists.international/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=569]Click here[/url] to get the…
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Humanists International News / 29 September 2004

Are Your Organisations Details Correct?

Our [url=https://humanists.international/modules/xfsection/]Humanist World[/url] section contains the contact details and other information that we have for IHEU member organisations. We know…
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