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Young Humanists International / 8 March 2016

A Woman in Ghana Today

Roslyn Mould, YouthSpeak March Growing up in Ghana, life can be hard without the right level of education, social ties…
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Young Humanists International / 8 March 2016

7 Fallacies That Undermine Antifeminism

Ariel Pontes, YouthSpeak March As a feminist I am often confronted, especially online, by self-declared antifeminists who passionately denounce the ideology resorting to…
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Young Humanists International / 8 March 2016

My Intersex Story

Jonny Violette Skye Boys In this article I will be critical of the medical establishment. It is not meant to…
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Young Humanists International / 8 March 2016

So Are You Single?

Anya Overmann   “So are you single” you say I clutch my drink tighter My knuckles go whiter You’re standing…
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