
Humanists International event / 13 November 19 - 13 November 19

Freedom of Thought Report 2019 launch

Launch of the 2019 edition of the Humanists International Freedom of Thought Report, and dialogue on "The Humanist Contribution to…
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Case Study / 2 July 2019

Humanists Liberia: how we helped to establish a new national organization

How do new groups start without contacts or resources? We can help.

First steps

In Janury 2019 a Liberian humanist wrote to us saying, "I am contemplating on starting a humanist organization in Liberia." We began by providing helpful guides on running a humanist group, assisting with the development of a visual identity, and promoting the group's new social media accounts.

International membership and Café Humaniste

Humanists Liberia was welcomed into the membership of Humanists International and then received three grants from our Café Humaniste programme to organize three different events.

The legal registration

In April 2020 Humanists Liberia managed to be officially recognised by the State as an organization. This great news comes during the lock down, while members of Humanists Liberia are doing their best to support their community.

First steps
International membership and Café Humaniste
The legal registration
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Café Humaniste / 27 June 2019

Two year development grants opened

Humanists International is making available £30,000 for two year development grants to fund projects for humanist organisations in developing countries.
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Humanists International event / 24 April 19 - 24 April 19

Fundamentalism rising

An event to discuss together the rise of Islamist and Hindutva fundamentalism in Bangladesh and India respectively, with a panel…
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Conference / 31 May 19 - 02 June 19

General Assembly 2019

The 2019 Humanists International General Assembly (GA) will take place on Sunday 2 June 2019 in Reykjavik, Iceland, in conjunction…
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