
Case Studies — Stories of Success

Here you can find case studies of our work in practice: the stories of challenges we face, examples of our successes, and how we work to provide positive solutions.

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Case Study / 20 October 2021

Mahmoud’s journey to freedom

How we helped a Somali professor persecuted for blasphemy and apostasy to reach safety.

The persecution

In 2019, Professor Mahmoud Jama Ahmed became the target of religious fundamentalists because of his criticism of Islam. Arrested in March 2019, he spent 307 days in jail on blasphemy charges. After being released on presidential pardon in February 2020, some Imams started preaching that Mahmoud should be killed, because he am an ‘apostate of Islam’ and apostates should be killed even if they repent.

The persecution
One year in hiding
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Case Study / 20 October 2021

Providing free mental health therapy to ex-Muslims at risk

An example of how we support our Members and Associates around the world through our Growth & Development Plan.

Membership application

Faithless Hijabi was established in October 2018 and since then the organization helped hundreds of ex-Muslims from all over the world to overcome the challenges related to leaving Islam. In July 2020, Faithless Hijabi applied for membership with Humanists International. On 16 October 2020, the General Assembly ratified their membership: Faithless Hijabi is officially an Associate of Humanists International.

Membership application
The grant
Project implementation
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Case Study / 11 July 2019

Forming a coalition against “blasphemy” laws

In the aftermath of a terrorist attack, we co-founded a campaign to End Blasphemy Laws worldwide.

A response to tragedy

We have always campaigned against "blasphemy" laws. But in the aftermath of the terrorist attack on the offices of the magazine Charlie Hebdo in January 2015, Humanists International and several other organizations wanted to redouble and pool their efforts to oppose "blasphemy" laws, in favour of freedom of expression.

A response to tragedy
Forming a coalition
Launching the End Blasphemy Laws campaign
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Case Study / 5 July 2019

Monitoring discrimination against the non-religious

A report on discrimination and persecution against humanists, atheists, and the non-religious.

An invisible minority

Humanists, atheists and the non-religious face discrimination in many countries. In very religious societies or authoritarian regimes they can be targeted for speaking out. Yet the idea of a non-religious minority facing their own distinct set of issues was little talked about by human rights bodies. We wanted to change that.

An invisible minority
Our flagship report
Increased understanding and influence
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Case Study / 2 July 2019

Humanists Liberia: how we helped to establish a new national organization

How do new groups start without contacts or resources? We can help.

First steps

In Janury 2019 a Liberian humanist wrote to us saying, "I am contemplating on starting a humanist organization in Liberia." We began by providing helpful guides on running a humanist group, assisting with the development of a visual identity, and promoting the group's new social media accounts.

First steps
International membership and Café Humaniste
The legal registration
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Case Study / 1 February 2019

Café Humaniste

A series of events to spark debate and form new connections.

How to help new groups to grow?

New organizations can struggle to bring people together, especially in countries where 'humanism' may not be an established term. We asked ourselves: how can we help new humanist groups to get their first events running?

How to help new groups to grow?
Creating an events program
How to organise a Café Humaniste
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