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Case Study / 11 July 2019

Forming a coalition against “blasphemy” laws

In the aftermath of a terrorist attack, we co-founded a campaign to End Blasphemy Laws worldwide.

A response to tragedy

We have always campaigned against "blasphemy" laws. But in the aftermath of the terrorist attack on the offices of the magazine Charlie Hebdo in January 2015, Humanists International and several other organizations wanted to redouble and pool their efforts to oppose "blasphemy" laws, in favour of freedom of expression.

Forming a coalition

With several organizations all considering new efforts at exposing the dangers of "blasphemy" allegations and the laws under which they are prosecuted, we co-founded an international coalition of rights groups, including freedom of expression advocates and groups including both religious and humanist or other non-religious perspectives.

Launching the End Blasphemy Laws campaign

By the end of that month the coalition was able to launch a new campaign site, hosted by Humanists International. The End Blasphemy Laws campaign uses data adapted from our Freedom of Thought Report to provide information on "blasphemy" used by activists around the world. With our coalition partners with continue to coordinate on campaign actions, aimed at abolishing "blasphemy" laws worldwide.

A response to tragedy
Forming a coalition
Launching the End Blasphemy Laws campaign
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Campaigns blog / 10 July 2019 / Humanists International

Why these pixelated faces?

There are millions of humanists around the world, but some of them must live in hiding. Here's why.
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Case Study / 5 July 2019

Monitoring discrimination against the non-religious

A report on discrimination and persecution against humanists, atheists, and the non-religious.

An invisible minority

Humanists, atheists and the non-religious face discrimination in many countries. In very religious societies or authoritarian regimes they can be targeted for speaking out. Yet the idea of a non-religious minority facing their own distinct set of issues was little talked about by human rights bodies. We wanted to change that.

Our flagship report

We worked with our member organizations and volunteers to produce a new annual human rights report: The Freedom of Thought Report. First published in 2012, the report considers every country in the world, documenting discriminatory laws and overt persecution specifically against non-religious people.

Increased understanding and influence

The Freedom of Thought Report has become the go-to place to find out more about human rights violations and discrimination faced by non-religious people. It is quoted in UN reports, books on human rights law, and utilized by human rights activists and NGOs.

An invisible minority
Our flagship report
Increased understanding and influence
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