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Humanists International News / 20 August 2009

International Humanist News published

The August 2009 issue of International Humanist News has been published. This edition includes features on the conferences recently held…
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Young Humanists International / 5 August 2009

IHEYO Youthspeak – August 2009

The August issue of Youthspeak is now available. This issue includes: Presidential Note - Thinking of October; Editorial - For…
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Action Alert / 30 July 2009

IHEU representative attacked

We are receiving reports that Leo Igwe, IHEU's representative in West Africa, has been attacked in Calabar, Nigeria at the…
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Young Humanists International / 30 July 2009

Are you warming up for October?

IHEYO announces its 8th International Humanist Youth Conference in Kathmandu, Nepal. It will take place from 20th to 25th October,…
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Young Humanists International / 30 July 2009

Tarksheel Movement in India

Tarksheel Society (Regd.) (Rationalist Society India) was established in 1984, under the auspices of Sh. Megh Raj Mitter in order…
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