
Freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief

View Policies tagged with Freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief

General news / 10 March 2015

IHEU comment on Mumtaz Qadri trial

Yesterday, the High Court in Lahore, Pakistan, upheld the murder conviction against self-confessed killer, Mumtaz Qadri, despite significant pressure from…
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Action Alert / 30 January 2015

End Blasphemy Laws – a new campaign

The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) is today among the founding partners heading a new, unified campaign for the abolition of “blasphemy”…
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Campaigns / 16 January 2015

“Raif Badawi is Charlie”

Humanist organizations have been among the chorus of human rights groups, activists, and governments internationally, calling for the release of persecuted…
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